

Anxiety typically presents as feelings of fear, dread, and overall uneasiness. You may experience physical symptoms such as sweating, feeling restless, rapid heartbeats, sleep disruptions, and nausea. In most cases, anxiety is a normal reaction to stress but can also become a chronic condition that requires proper medical treatment. 

Big Island Hawaii IV can help alleviate some of your symptoms associated with anxiety. Our carefully crafted IV solutions can be tailored to your specific needs. A known trigger for anxiety can be dehydration. Replenishing your fluid and electrolyte levels may help alleviate some discomfort. Restoring your vitamin and nutrient levels can help promote overall feelings of wellbeing due to the fact that some anxiety is caused by nutrient deficiency. High levels of stress can also deplete your nutrient levels as your body uses these nutrients to help your body compensate. When you have a magnesium deficiency, you can have an increased risk of mood symptoms such as depression and anxiety. Ensuring your magnesium levels are sufficient can contribute to optimum brain function when you have anxiety.