Jet Lag​


Big Island Hawaii IV’s Jet Lag treatment uses a combination of vitamins, fluids, and electrolytes to help ease your symptoms of Jet Lag. Jet Lag typically occurs when a person travels over two time zones. Jet lag often makes you feel out of sorts due to the change in your body’s internal clock or circadian sleep rhythms. 

The effects of Jet Lag vary across individuals but may include: insomnia, drowsiness (especially during the daytime), headaches, brain fog, fatigue, upset stomach, and/or mood changes. While doctors don’t have a single cure for Jet Lag, it is recommended to adjust to your new time zone as quickly as possible. You can help ease the symptoms of Jet Lag by exposing yourself to sunlight, increasing your hydration and focusing on quality sleep. 

Big Island Hawaii IV’s Jet Lag treatment may help you acclimate to your new time zone quickly so that you can enjoy your vacation instead of feeling bogged down with symptoms. our signature blend of B vitamins, vitamin c, and magnesium will help your body adjust to your new schedule. Let Big Island Hawaii IV help manage your ailments by scheduling a visit today.